Monday, January 27, 2025

Oh, The Roads to Hell We Walk, Always Paved with Good Intentions (Which Creates Frustrations When You're Also an Absolute Schmuck)

I jumped for hooray too soon, especially after watching the first half of the Buffalo/Kansas game on Walnut Beach before heading home for the 2nd half. I cancelled cable on Friday and couldn't imagine a playoff game wouldn't be on ESPN or on my new streaming service channels. 


I went to Disney+, ESPN, Xfinity, ESPN+, Apple and so on, but the game was only on the Paramount/Showtime package, which I don't have. I tried to get it, but the website wouldn't complete my transaction. I failed. The first half of the game was so good, I wanted to watch the second half of course. Nope.

I'm a little embarrassed, too. I should be more savvy with the streaming services I want, but I was not going to commit to Paramount/Showtime for a year when I'd only probably watch it for this particular game. I normally don't watch NFL games, but the Bills hype got me in the CNY mode from Connecticut, and I really wanted to see them upset Kansas City (even with game officials as they are). 

It's all good. I'll live. I can watch highlights, but I wasn't expecting the whomp whomp whomp

All I managed yesterday was CWP work, a long walk/run with Karal, and grocery shopping. I also had a phenomenal conversation with my dissertation advisor, Kelly, and the other doctoral student she mentored before me, Liz. We've written together for years and, at this point, we just fill one another in on whatever insanity we're style. 

I ended up watching the game in fragments, as the NFL channel did provide live shots and clips, from time to time, sort of like how Weather Channel gives you updates on the eights. It was frustrating, but all I had. It sufficed.

I will be patient with myself as I maneuver into a streaming world...not a cable one. And yes, I recognize how privileged it is to even (a) have time to watch football and (b) to have the options of streaming, anyways, from a home in the Western world. 

I should be reading books, instead. But I wanted the mindlessness of a game on a Sunday night before a frantic work week. Didn't happen. I should have asked more questions about what came with my new services. I was just looking to cease the ever-increasing cable bill.