As always, I overplayed and got to 1/20th of what I hoped to accomplish, but I still believe in community, sharing, and bringing humans together to discuss ideas. I don't want it to be Bryan on the stage, but rather students staging themselves with their expertise. Sometimes, the conversations are more fruitful than what I had planned anyway. It's just I feel compelled to get the research citations in there so they know that how I go at instruction isn't some sort of whim.
This morning I'm heading to Hill Central for World Read Aloud Day and to work with 4th and 5th grade classrooms. I only have an hour to give them, and I'm bringing students, so it should be a lot of fun.
Temperatures have dropped once more and writing projects accumulate, so we'll see where the rest of the day goes forward. I keep saying to myself I can only control the spaces I occupy, the students who I can reach, and the people I love and will continue to love. All of what is happening is alarming, but it was promised, so this is where we are. The votes came in. Now I hope that intellect, law, knowledge, and history fight back. Only time will tell.
And with that, I'm on the road again.