...including Mr. Leo's Buddhist pose he sent me from Pamela's bathroom after we all broke bread together.
The food was delicious, and who knew that carrots would be the root that would absorb all the spices and provide us with the most heat. I love my crockpot, and I need to be smarter about making sure my gas stove which keeps food warm on low, actually is turned off. This is twice now I've come home to see the light flame still ablaze. Not good, Crandall. Not good.
I did a lot of writing yesterday and took a cold walk with Karal as the last of the meal continued to cook itself in the pot (crocking all the way). I made the mashed potatoes early (and gravy), both of which were really good, too, when heated up later on. Pam's corn fritters (which tasted like my mom's but looked more like a hushpuppy, were absolutely superb). They were sweet without the need of maple syrup.
This week calls for several 14-hour days and I hope I'm ready. I still find the most joy in teaching and collaborations with K-12 schools, including National Read-In with K-8 students. I am forever impressed by any and all who chose to cherish the young people in their care...the beautiful fabric that makes up a diverse, beautiful nation. This, I pray, is what we fight for and maintain.
I tried to sent a similar photo back to Leo, but only captured myself falling in the shower, unable to figure out the timer thing on my phone. I'm savvy, but not savvy.
Accompaniment. It is a blessing to have good friends who cherish the company of one another. That is most important. Human beings in celebration of other human beings. This is foremost on my mind as we head into another work week.