Truth be told, Mark in Amagansett and Tunga in Des Moines both utilize the French press. Had I more time to think about a replacement, I might have gone that route, too, but I'm not into the ordering online if I don't have to. I'd rather see and get a feel for something before I buy it.
The temperatures climbed some, so it was a great afternoon to walk. I hovered around my computer most of the day grading, writing, and planning. I think it is the winter months, because when I don't have to leave my house, I don't want to. I also am completely drained on the weekend, and because there's so much sickness going around, I don't want to rest on weekends to catch up on the restlessness during the week. I ran a Bobby Flay marathon as background noise all day and may have even closed my eyes a couple of times...even with the sun out.
Today's another day and I'm waking up with a cup of coffee in my hand. The grumpiness I felt when I saw another Mr. Coffee pot cracked was put in my clenched teeth as I head to the nearest drive-thru.
I also learned the Bridgeport Flyer Diner in Milford is shutting down. The place is always packed but the manager is retiring after a long run. This is one of the location Chitunga and I used to stop at for long talks, especially when he was learning to drive. It's also a place we used to gather when no once could make up their mind and we decided, "Diner food it shall be." I remember, too, the time that Jessy and I ate there after running the Vicki Soto...a conversation for the record book. Funny how the place always was therapeutic. I hope someone buys it and keeps the tradition alive. I never was a regular, but I rarely drove by when the parking lot wasn't packed.