Sunday, February 16, 2025

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Water-bearer, but also an Air Sign. Innovative, Humanitarian, and Forward Thinking

Yes, it's the 16th of February and on the 15th, I had a sinus headache that made me feel sick to my stomach. I slept until 11:30 a.m. as a result. Also, we did made it to a birthday dinner, but the show we were seeing at the Milford Community Theater was cancelled due to the snow and freezing rain. We debated going to dinner, but as I noted to all, "February has always been a fickle month."

Most years, it was winter break for my birthday and, two days after Valentine's Day, I've never come to a full understanding if I'm loving because I'm so close to the day or if I'm bitter because the day for loving is so close to the day of me. It doesn't really matter, because a birthday is a birthday and I know my birthday kin: Paul, Madaya, Ryan, Matt, and John. I've collected kin over the years. It's easy when you teach.

I do like the idea of bringing waters to others and although I assumed fluidity like my Pisces moon, it turns out Aquarians are air signs. I guess this makes sense, too. We share the day with LeVar Barton, Ice-T, Lupe Fiasco, and John McEnroe, after all. Make of that what you will. 

The 16th of February is typically in the stretch of winter weather and it's been this way since I was a kid. It's a day for cherry-chip cupcakes (if you can find the mix) and cherry frosting. That was a tradition my mother began, although the mix is hard to find nowadays. 

I laughed at the Aquarian above because when I got out of the shower this afternoon, I looked nothing like this portrait....even when I tried to flex and look all beefcake and stuff. 

Ah, here's to the day. Here's to a long weekend. Here's 53 years of life. This is my mother and father's celebration as much as it is my own. I got a card in the mail yesterday and I look forward to opening sometime today. In the meantime, a classic favorite (1979). Phew. I was 7.