Pam made me dinner last night and allowed me to catch up on 2 of the 3 episodes released thus far. Unfortunately, I don't have subscription to the new streaming service that is airing the third season. Pam has it and I am thankful to she's sharing the storyline with me.
I graded in the morning, walked the dog, caught up on laundry, and began to think about a week off without having meetings or teaching classes. Of course, sketchy humanity in all its glory is probably not the best way to easy my over imaginative mind, but I do like a good story.
I loved catching up with my cousin, Mark yesterday and his global perspective made from a lifetime of work. Both his daughters are in college, one visiting a boyfriend in Ohio and the other doing fashion work in Paris.
I remember Parker Posey in Party Girl soon after I graduated from college, a take on Sisyphus and the Generation X adulthood. Now she's a maternal numbskull, holding her family together by being overdosed on mind-numbing, controlled substances to make everything okay.
We've evolved as a species, I believe. Or we haven't evolved at all. I'm intrigued, however, on where the third season will take viewers. I'm curious, indeed.