Sunday, March 9, 2025

I Have No Idea Where White Lotus, Season 3, is Going, But I'm Here for the Ride of Human Gluttony, Lust, Greed , & Hubris

It's probably not the best series to get hooked on, but Chitunga started it in Iowa and before I could confess I finished season II, he was already done. For me, it's the opening...the wallpaper and art, the barbaric pictures of the animalistic human tendency that is symbolically depicted in the artwork. Phew. Lifestyles of the rich and ridiculous in exotic spaces, sharing their empty egos and the desire to give human definition and meaning to their meaningless. All of this makes for incredible storytelling.

Pam made me dinner last night and allowed me to catch up on 2 of the 3 episodes released thus far. Unfortunately, I don't have subscription to the new streaming service that is airing the third season. Pam has it and I am thankful to she's sharing the storyline with me. 

I graded in the morning, walked the dog, caught up on laundry, and began to think about a week off without having meetings or teaching classes. Of course, sketchy humanity in all its glory is probably not the best way to easy my over imaginative mind, but I do like a good story.

I loved catching up with my cousin, Mark yesterday and his global perspective made from a lifetime of work. Both his daughters are in college, one visiting a boyfriend in Ohio and the other doing fashion work in Paris. 

I remember Parker Posey in Party Girl soon after I graduated from college, a take on Sisyphus and the Generation X adulthood. Now she's a maternal numbskull, holding her family together by being overdosed on mind-numbing, controlled substances to make everything okay. 

We've evolved as a species, I believe. Or we haven't evolved at all. I'm intrigued, however, on where the third season will take viewers. I'm curious, indeed.