It is Groundhog's Day, but it's also spinning in circles in a pool, somewhat paralyzed.
Karal had vet vaccinations to be caught up on (they're still vetted for pets and legal). After, I promised myself a day in front of the laptop to catch up on materials needing commentary. I finished last night around 9, but know I have to go back to the other class to rethink submissions that were revised and resubmitted). I allow for multiple drafts because I know the learning comes from responding to feedback and moving ahead so it's not an issue next time.
It's also restaurant week in Stratford, so Leo, Bev, Pam, Oona, and I went to Vazzy's and I had prime rib. It's been a minute but I needed the food break. I came back to more grading.
I'm hoping I can finish by noon, so I can then return to grant work needing to be done, as I've put it off to catch up on the grading (and to attend all the meetings).
But there are no meetings today and for that I am thankful. No appointments either. It's time to focus.