Last night, leaving Pete's funeral, I received notification that Sally Harper, from my Brown School days, passed. What a personality...I'll have to write more when I get to Connecticut and can go through my albums of the Brown School and working with the Lille Skole near Roskilde, Danmark. Those were hilarious times and trips. She brought funk, humor, and a reason to need a harness. She was absolutely wild and hilarious.
The snow is trickling lightly now, but it came down pretty hard last night, as the day began snow blowing what the plows missed (and doing the neighbors' driveways because that is what dad does, even through Mom buys his plowing services.
Although the circumstances weren't a happy occasion, it was wonderful to see Peter Boy and Jimmy again. Also great to see Mrs. Caroli, Stephanie, the grandkids and ol' neighbors. Strange how there aren't other occasions to bring people together over more joyful celebrations.Dad and I will head to St. Rose of Lima to attend the church ceremony before Peter is laid to rest in the cemetery. So many emotions and just as many memories from Cherry Heights yesteryear. And both parental units made it to the wake and back without any incidences. Hoorah for the littlest achievements.
Today should be a grocery run, perhaps a good dinner, and some restocking of the old stomping grounds. Classes begin next week and I need to get on top of the tsunami of a return. 2025 has had a wonky start, but I'm counting the blessings while I have them.